Using Quantum-Like Behavior of Elastic-Waves for Quantum Computing Using Phi-Bits

Case ID:

This technology describes a method in which phonons can be manipulated for use in encoding information, for use with quantum computing-type algorithms. Rather than qubits, this method produces φ-bits, which are achieved through operating on the phonon wave phase. Such control results from fermion-like behavior of phonons, thus allowing for utilization in numerous computing platforms.


Phonons are known to display boson characteristics in the sense that there is no restriction on the number of “particles” which can occupy the same quantum state. This invention describes the discovery of fermion-like characteristics of phonons reminiscent of constraints imposed by the Pauli exclusion principle, meaning that two “particles” cannot occupy the same quantum state. Much like in quantum computing, where qubits which can display a superposition of two states, these manipulated fermion-like phonons can display a superposition of wave propagation directions.  There are several ways of realizing fermion-like phonons such as composite elastic structures supporting rotational waves, phononic structures composed of appropriately connected mass-spring elements.  Phonons in these systems can be described by spinor wave function, resulting in a defined concept called the φ(phase)-bit. Similar to qubits, these φ-bits can be used for encoding and processing information.  This information is encoded in elastic waves which are more resilient to limiting factors such as decoherence. This allows for computation in devices at room temperature, reducing the bulk, cost, and energy necessary for current quantum computers. 



  • Quantum computing, encoding and processing of information
  • Analysis of large data sets/optimization of data
  • Improving search algorithms
  • Cryptography
  • Military and national defense systems


  • Utilization of elastic waves which are more resilient to decoherence
  • Can be utilized at room temperature
  • Less expensive, less bulky, and less energy-consuming than current quantum computing devices

Status: issued U.S. patent #11,398,213

Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Scott Zentack
Licensing Manager, College of Engr
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Pierre Deymier
Keith Runge