Tracheostomy Positioning Device

Case ID:

This invention is a mechanism to assist in the positioning for a tracheostomy to open the windpipe. This technology results in precise external localization of where the tracheotomy incision should be made.

Tracheotomy is one of the oldest procedures known to mankind. It is a medical procedure in which a tracheostomy, an opening in the windpipe, is surgically created to allow for breathing to occur through a breathing tube. Currently, tracheostomies are placed by palpitating the skin, but it is easier and more accurate to use internal features of the airway to place the tracheostomy appropriately. More than 12,000 tracheostomies are inserted annually in the UK alone, and up to 20% of patients in ICU are managed with a tracheostomy. This device has the potential to simplify the common procedure especially in the field or low resource settings. This is a robust, inexpensive, and low power instrument that can aid in surgical tracheotomy operations.


  • Performing tracheotomies


  • Low power
  • Accurate
  • Inexpensive
  • Robust
  • Ease of operation
Patent Information:
Technology Classifications:
Medical Devices
Contact For More Information:
Garrett Edmunds
Licensing Manager, UAHS-TLA
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Winslow Burleson