Smart EVD System

Case ID:

This invention is a smart system for the collection of cerebrospinal fluid from an external ventricular drain (EVD) that can automatically adjust the height and intercranial pressure of a patient. The invention will use a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow sensor, a way to determine the position of the patient and the collection vessel, and an actuator that can automatically adjust the position of the collection vessel to compensate for any motion of the patient to help maintain the patient’s intercranial pressure. This can also determine the actual flow of CSF and adjust the height of the collection vessel so that over-drainage does not occur.

External ventricular drain (EVD) systems are used to treat brain trauma, stroke, inflammation, and other conditions associated with the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid and blood in the brain. A typical EVD system contains a catheter inserted in the brain ventricle, tubing with a 3-way sampling port, a check valve preventing back-flow, and a collection vessel placed at a pre-determined height to ensure a constant value of intracranial pressure. One of the drawbacks of such systems is that frequent monitoring of the equipment is needed to ensure that the vessel is in a correct position.

Another issue of current EVD systems is related to the intercranial pressure. The pressure configuration of an EVD system is patient and disease specific, so it is critical to have a good value for each case. A high pressure might be less effective in treating the patient’s condition, while a low pressure could result in over-draining, with a risk of collapse of ventricles and associated irreversible damage.


  • Collection and management of cerebrospinal fluid related to
    • Brain trauma
    • Stroke
    • Inflammation
    • Other conditions associated with accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid and blood in the brain


  • Can automatically change the position of the collection vessel
  • Can determine the flow of cerebrospinal fluid
  • Can adjust the height of the vessel so that over-drainage cannot occur
  • Less monitoring needed from nursing staff
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Tariq Ahmed
Sr Licensing Manager, College of Engineering
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Eniko Enikov
Jesse Skoch