Quantum Computing using an Atomic-Emitter Array and a Volumetric Mode Sorter (QAMS)

Case ID:

This invention is a completely photonic, utility-scale quantum computer that delivers a superior level of fault tolerance over existing state of the art quantum computers.

Quantum computing is a promising field because quantum computers can perform complex operations efficiently and solve problems that are difficult for classical computers to solve. There are a variety of types of quantum computers with different advantages and drawbacks; one of the advantages of photonic quantum computers is that they can operate at room-temperature, while many other types of quantum computers require a supercooled environment to operate.

While quantum computing exists today, one of the challenges limiting its usefulness is the problem of noise or faults in the information, resulting in information loss or expensive error correction. This creates increased costs, limiting its value over classical computing. This technology eliminates the need for some components other photonic quantum computers use, thereby reducing the amount of information loss and improving scalability over other solutions.


  • Quantum computing
  • Quantum photonics


  • Compact form factor
  • Low photon loss
  • Low overhead
  • High fault tolerance
  • Improved construction and operational cost
  • Room-temp operation
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Richard Weite
Senior Licensing Manager, College of Optical Sciences
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Saikat Guha
Ashlesha Patil
Michael Grace
Dirk Englund