Damage Localization in Plate Structures using the Geometric Phase of Acoustic Waves

Case ID:

This technology is a novel non-destructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) method designed to locate defects and damages in plate structures. While traditional defect localization techniques analyze velocity differences or amplitude ratio, this technology’s topological acoustic approach analyzes changes in the geometric phase of acoustic waves as they pass through a medium. By considering a subset of sensors and calculating a geometric phase change index (GPC-I) along various paths, the invention achieves more precise defect localization. This method is ideal for detecting defects in structures made of heterogeneous mixtures of materials which are difficult to monitor using standard techniques due to complicated scattering effects around the boundaries between materials. This method has been demonstrated to localize randomly placed structural defects with more accuracy, stability, clarity, and sensitivity than velocity difference or amplitude ratio methods. 

Heterogeneous boundaries in plate structures cause complicated reflection, refraction, and scattering patterns, making it harder to localize structural defects using standard metrics like velocity difference and amplitude ratio. Current state-of-the-art NDT&E techniques typically rely on detecting flaws such as cracks, voids, and inclusions by analyzing changes in wave amplitude or wave velocity (attenuation or travel time). While these methods have been widely used, they often struggle with accurately localizing defects. This technology introduces a technique that analyzes geometric phase changes, allowing for more precise and reliable localization of flaws, even in challenging environments. It can detect defects in complicated heterogeneous plate structures with greater sensitivity and accuracy than other methods. 


  • Structural health monitoring
  • Infrastructure maintenance
  • Quality assurance in manufacturing
  • Vehicle engineering


  • Capable of defect localization in complex heterogenous structures
  • Increased accuracy in damage/defect localization
  • Improved sensitivity
  • Increased stability
  • Increased clarity 
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Scott Zentack
Licensing Manager, College of Engr
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Tribikram Kundu
Pierre Deymier
Keith Runge
Guangdong Zhang