AzCam Image Acquisition Software Package

Case ID:

AzCam is a control interface for scientific and industrial image acquisition hardware. This software package and data acquisition architecture is specifically designed for use at astronomical observatories, university labs, and companies with a wide range of cameras, detector configurations, and imaging characterization requirements. AzCam creates a common user interface and software tool set for both CCD and CMOS cameras.



This technology was developed in the Imaging Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the University of Arizona. The ITL serves as a research group within the Department of Astronomy and has established expertise in scientific and industrial electronic imaging research and technology development. While most data acquisition systems are specific to a particular hardware system, AzCam can adapt to a variety of cameras used for scientific or industrial imaging.



  • Scientific and industrial data acquisition for telescopes and laboratories
  • Astronomical observatories
  • University labs
  • Companies requiring a wide range of cameras, detector configurations, and imaging characterization
  • Software tool set for both CCD and CMOS cameras
  • Ideal for detector characterization programs



  • Adapts to a variety of cameras used for scientific or industrial imaging
  • Standard client/server model
  • Supports region of interest, loadable low level firmware code, detector mosaics, and multiple amplifiers with arbitrary orientation
  • Simple commands provide easy debugging
  • Employment of multiple commercial hardware interfaces via Windows OS
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Lewis Humphreys
Sr. Licensing Manager Software & Copyright
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Michael Lesser
Madhuvanesh Parthasarathy