Genomic and Proteomic Biomarkers of Disease Incidence

Case ID:

This invention is for a proteogenomic risk scoring system for a variety of disease incidences, specifically in Hispanic populations, particularly Type 2 diabetes. This system aims more specifically to utilize genomic, proteomic, and clinical risk scores to score patients with diabetes into high vs. low risk of progression of diabetic complications. Based on extensive health data from Latino patients in a University of Arizona Health Sciences diabetes biobank, this innovation aims to stratify risk of progression of diabetic kidney disease in the underserved Latino population.

While diabetes affects over 1 in 10 people in the U.S., Hispanic people are at an especially high risk. Over half of Hispanic adults are predicted to develop Type 2 diabetes during their lives, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In 2022, Hispanic adults were 60% more likely than non-Hispanic white adults to be diagnosed with diabetes by a physician. Traditional treatment methods for kidney diseases utilize a combination of blood pressure and heart medications along with dialysis as needed, however these treatments are limited as there is no cure. Additionally, there is currently no means of classifying risk of progression of diabetes for any populations. 


  • Proteogenomic risk scoring system
  • Diabetic kidney disease risk assessment for Latino populations


  • Establishment of preliminary protein/genomic risk scores
  • Scores utilized to inform future needs in population
  • Serves underrepresented populations 
  • Cost mitigation for future health issues
  • Can help identify at risk patients
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Mitch Graffeo
Sr. Licensing Manager - COM-T
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Lawrence Mandarino
Dawn Coletta
Yann Klimentidis
Douglas Spegman