Crowd-Sourced Traffic Speed Module

Case ID:

The Crowd-Sourced Traffic Speed Module is one of the many fundamental components of high-performance statewide transportation analytics and visualizations tools. This new tool, using crowdsourced vehicle speed data, allows agencies and organizations to make informed decisions with comprehensive vehicle data on a state-wide level for a safer, more efficient transportation infrastructure. Through an interactive state map, transportation agencies can define their analysis parameters to gain detailed insights into traffic patterns, road safety, and overall transportation efficiency. The Crowd-Sourced Traffic Speed Module turns raw speed data into actionable insights, helping agencies make informed decisions that can improve safety and optimize traffic management.

Traditional speed data collection methods, such as road sensors and cameras, can be costly and limited in scope. Some traffic management and planning solutions may not properly integrate and interpret data in real-world contexts for full safety and efficiency consideration. This affects drive times, overall congestion, vehicle efficiency, environmental impacts, and planning for construction and development projects. The Crowd-Sourced Traffic Speed Module uses vehicle-generated data from millions of connected cars and devices with transportation analytics to provide valuable insights into traffic and mobility patterns for a more comprehensive, cost-effective solution.


  • Transportation policy
  • Transportation infrastructure
  • Traffic safety analysis
  • Urban planning


  • Cost-effective
  • Uses real-time data
  • Enables decision making for many different types of end users
  • Improves safety
  • Available for modification to meet variety of needs
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Lewis Humphreys
Sr. Licensing Manager Software & Copyright
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Yao-Jan Wu
Gabriel Geffen
Pei-Yu Leu