This innovation incorporates Saccharomyces boulardii, a probiotic yeast, into dairy products such as yogurt and kefir. With consumers seeking more options to increase their probiotic intake, the research aimed to investigate if S. boulardii could grow alongside traditional yogurt and kefir cultures to create products that meet both sensory standards and regulatory requirements. Through trials varying the levels of S. boulardii in combination with the traditional cultures, researchers successfully produced yogurt and kefir with acceptable characteristics in terms of taste, texture, and probiotic viability. These findings suggest that incorporating novel probiotics like S. boulardii into mainstream dairy products could offer an effective means of enhancing probiotic consumption among the general population.
As consumers increasingly seek ways to boost their probiotic intake for improved gut health, they have few options for probiotic yeasts, particularly in food and beverages. Current options predominantly focus on bacterial probiotics, such as supplements or foods containing bacterial strains like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. However, these options don't fully cater to those who may prefer or benefit from yeast-based probiotics. The innovation lies in incorporating S. boulardii into familiar dairy products like yogurt and kefir, making it more accessible and palatable to consumers accustomed to these items. Integrating S. boulardii into these mainstream products broadens the range of available probiotics while leveraging the familiarity and popularity of yogurt and kefir to encourage greater consumption of beneficial yeasts. This approach potentially addresses the limitations of current products by offering a convenient and familiar way for consumers to incorporate probiotic yeasts into their diets, thereby promoting gut health more effectively.
- Food and beverages industry
- Nutritional supplements industry
- Broadens the range of available probiotics, offering consumers more choices for improving gut health
- Integrates beneficial yeasts into familiar dairy products, making them more accessible and palatable
- Leverages the popularity of yogurt and kefir to encourage greater consumption of probiotic yeasts
- Provides a convenient way for consumers to incorporate probiotic yeasts into their diets without the need for additional supplements or specialized products