Vortex Liftoff and its Flutter Effect on Swept Back Wings

Case ID:

This invention involves swept back wings that use Leading-Edge Vortex (LEV) for more controlled improvements of fixed wing aircraft. The technology enables a greater lift force and better aeronautical stability. Additional testing has shown that introducing a crank or a protuberance in the leading edge can initiate the process of vortex liftoff at lower incidence angles, expanding the operational range of the wing before stall conditions are met. Moreover, the use of a high-speed, small jet has demonstrated the potential to delay the vortex liftoff and alter its trajectory, thereby mitigating buffet and enhancing pitch and yaw control.

Research conducted on tailless airplane models with swept-back wings has revealed that a Leading-Edge Vortex (LEV) formed on these wings has a significant impact on their pressure distribution, consequently influencing the various forces and moments acting on the wing, such as lift, drag, pitch, yaw and roll. When the wing is at a low angle of attack, the LEV remains concentrated around the Leading Edge (LE) area. However, as the angle of attack increases, the LEV detaches from the LE, changes its orientation and periodically moves outward, causing substantial pressure fluctuations that can lead to flutter.

Time-resolved smoke images and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) have provided new insights into the periodicity of the vortex liftoff, a phenomenon not previously observed and often assumed to be steady in computational simulations. This research has highlighted the dynamic nature of the LEV and its critical role in the aerodynamic performance of swept-back wings.


  • Fixed wing aircraft
  • Aircraft airframes


  • Enables the control of flutter on swept back wings
  • Increases the durability and operational efficiency of optical substrates in aviation
  • Cost savings
  • Improved safety
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Scott Zentack
Licensing Manager, College of Engr
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Israel Wygnanski
Harshad Kalyankar
Lutz Taubert