Flyback Echo-Planar Imaging (EPI) Pulse Sequence with Embedded Chemical-Shift and Field Inhomogeneity Compensation Schemes and Artifact-Free Image Reconstruction Procedures

Case ID:

This technology produces echo-planar imaging (EPI) MRI data free from typical EPI artifact (e.g., Nyquist artifact; chemical-shift artifact; geometric distortion) via two interrelated components. The first is a new algorithm that is used to acquire flyback echo-planar imaging (EPI) data, in which chemical-shift artifact and magnetic field inhomogeneity are inherently encoded in the invented scheme. The second part is an innovative flyback EPI reconstruction procedure, which is capable of generating artifact-free EPI data obtained with the invented acquisition scheme.

It is typical in Magnetic Resonance Imaging for “artifacts” to appear as bright spots where there shouldn’t be or distortions in the image, produced by this non-invasive diagnostic method. This technology improves the imaging quality of MRI machines. It uses Echo Planar Imaging with pulse sequencing to characterize the lipid and non-lipid portions of the imaging and using this knowledge to create better (artifact-free) images.


  • Medical imaging


  • Greater image clarity
  • Reduced imaging artifacts
  • Greater efficiency
  • Increased cost benefit
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Scott Zentack
Licensing Manager, College of Engr
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Nan-kuei Chen