Methods for Guiding Treatments of Vulvovaginal Symptoms and Female Sexual Dysfunction

Case ID:

Multi-omics analysis of cervicovaginal samples has led to the identification of a specific immune mediators, metabolites, and bacteria that are associated with vulvovaginal and sexual health symptoms. These biomarkers hold the potential to be utilized in a non-invasive test that guides the treatment of vulvovaginal symptoms and female sexual dysfunction in both pre- and post-menopausal women. These genitourinary symptoms encompass various issues such as dryness, irritation, painful intercourse, and pain during urination. Based on the test results, appropriate personalized treatments can be determined, including medical options such as estrogen, estrogen receptor, or androgen therapies, as well as non-medical approaches like lifestyle changes, home remedies, counseling, and the use of lubricants. Overall, this technology has the potential to significantly improve the speed, accuracy, and effectiveness of diagnosing and treating vulvovaginal symptoms and female sexual dysfunction.

There is currently no diagnostic test available to guide a physician to choose the optimal therapy for a woman with particular genitourinary symptoms. Current treatments often involve invasive procedures and may not always provide satisfactory outcomes for pre- and post-menopausal women. This innovation addresses the need for improved methods in guiding treatments for women’s sexual health. 


  • Diagnostic for vulvovaginal symptoms in pre- and post-menopausal women
  • Diagnostic for female sexual dysfunction
  • Women’s sexual health research


  • Non-invasive 
  • Personalized treatment
  • More effective diagnostic 
  • Advances women’s health research
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Garrett Edmunds
Licensing Manager, UAHS-TLA
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Melissa Herbst-Kralovetz
Pawel Laniewski