Situational Environment for Programming & Scripting (SEPS)

Case ID:

Situational Environment for Programming & Scripting (SEPS) is a hybrid cloud-based programming & scripting platform designed to deliver a world class learning experience for students developing critical capabilities needed to support our cyber security, cyber operations, incident response, and digital investigations infrastructure. SEPS will provide students with a hands-on interactive experience where they are challenged to develop and deploy software and solutions that interact directly with existing and future CyberApolis worlds. Students will develop programs, scripts, and solutions using modern programming, scripting, and data-science eco-systems. SEPS will allow students to develop, test, evaluate, and improve their skills while at the same time ensuring that newly developed solutions can respond to current and future threats. In addition, the environment will ensure newly developed software and scripts meet stringent guidelines for consistency, completeness, correctness, and security. 

Currently there are no other existing learning environments that combine a virtual programming and scripting environment that interacts directly with a live situationally driven landscape. Creating one of these programs will help teach students how to support cyber security and data infrastructure.


  • Cybersecurity education
  • Online incident response
  • Digital investigation
  • Secure data infrastructure
  • Data science


  • Online program
  • Accessible
  • Combines virtual programming and scripting with a live situationally driven environment
  • Developing skills to respond to current and future threats
  • Adheres to stringent guidelines for consistency, completeness, correctness, and security
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Lewis Humphreys
Sr. Licensing Manager Software & Copyright
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Chester Hosmer
Michael Duren