Recovery and Separation of Metals from Aqueous Sources Utilizing Glycolipid Modified Hydrogels and Resins

Case ID:

 This invention describes a methodology for using glycolipid-modified, reusable hydrogels to recover, concentrate, and separate toxic metals from aqueous solutions.

Heavy and toxic metal contamination poses a significant risk to human and environmental health in many commercial and environmental settings. Many commercial endeavors in fields such as mining have both a regulatory and business obligation to control toxic metal contamination and reduce exposure to personnel.

The inventors have proposed a methodology and formulations for glycolipid-modified, reusable hydrogels and glycolipid-functionalized resins to absorb toxic metal contamination from aqueous solutions. These hydrogels and resins can be specific to certain metals and can be used in a significant number of ways.


  • Toxic metal remediation technologies
  • Environmental remediation technologies


  • Simple to deploy and use
  • Specificity to certain contaminants
  • Reusable
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Highly selective
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Tod McCauley
Assistant Director of Licensing, CALS
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Douglas Loy
David Hogan
Raina Maier
Alicja Babst-Kostecka
SusanKaye Perez
Chett Boxley
Ryan Stolley