Small Mine Activities Reporting Tool (SMART): A Mobile App to Improve Compliance Reporting and Track Outcomes

Case ID:

This technology is a smartphone-based software platform to implement the mining health and safety reporting requirements overseen by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). Small mining operators often face challenges implementing the requirements, and this software helps demystify the process. Developed with input from MSHA, state grants programs, and mine operators, the app helps ensure the proper tracking and reporting of hours worked, activity commencement and closure, and record-keeping for workplace accidents and injuries. It supports capture and storage of photos and videos as supplemental documentation, and provides a metrics dashboard with easy to understand visualizations.

Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) classifies roughly 50% of all mining operations as small. But existing environment, health, and safety (EHS) software solutions are often generalized rather than industry-specific, and are intended for large organizations with more resources to develop their programs. Small mine operators are often left in a situation where they lack the resources to track their documentation effectively, leading to violations, citations, and reduced overall worksite safety. This invention is intended to address the pain points experienced specifically by small mine operators, in a streamlined, lightweight, and easy to use package.


  • Environment, health, and safety (EHS)
  • MSHA compliance and reporting


  • Secure
  • Available for both Android and iOS devices
  • Created for small operations
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Lewis Humphreys
Sr. Licensing Manager Software & Copyright
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Leonard Brown
Ngan Pham
Kelli McCormick