Green-Enhancer Glasses

Case ID:

This invention is an optical filter which blocks out blue light and only allows green to pass through, increasing the relative amount of green light that passes through. This filter can be used on prescription and non-prescription glasses, as well as on coverings for lamps and light bulbs. Green light in the morning can rehabilitate the circadian system of aging adults leading to a healthier lifestyle.

Research into how exposure to various types of light affects the human body has increased recently. The result of studies has led to the conclusion that exposure to green light in the morning can rehabilitate the circadian system of aging adults and lead to a healthier sleep schedule. By strengthening the circadian system, aging adults can lead a healthier life than they otherwise would have been able to.

This invention is a filter which blocks out blue areas of light and only allows green light to pass through which increases the relative amount of green light that passes through. When worn in the morning, aging adults can enjoy all the benefits of green light exposure, which include strengthening the body’s circadian system, leading to a better sleep schedule and thus a healthier lifestyle. The invention can be places on prescription and non-prescription glasses, along with coverings for lamps and light bulbs.


  • Green light transmitter
  • Blue light blocker
  • Optical filter
  • Circadian rhythm control


  • Versatile
  • Can be incorporated into glasses or used as an optical filter
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Mitch Graffeo
Sr. Licensing Manager - COM-T
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Fabian Fernandez
Michael Grandner
Stanley Pau
Brooke Mason