Wave Front Sensor based on Fourier Filtering

Case ID:

This invention describes a sensor that can measure the wave front of an incoming electromagnetic wave. The sensor has application in semiconductor and precision optics metrology, ophthalmic diagnostic imaging, remote sensing and laser beam characterization. In addition, wave front sensor is a key component of adaptive optics system which is used in astronomy, vision science, microscopy, laser and microelectronics manufacturing and free space optical communications.

A wavefront sensor is a device for measuring the aberrations of an optical wavefront. The wave front of the electromagnetic wave is a surface where the phase of the wave is constant, having the same optical path length from the source, and wave front sensors have applications in semiconductor and precision optics metrology, ophthalmic diagnostic imaging, remote sensing, laser beam characterization. This apparatus utilizes “Fourier filtering” to convert phase variation into intensity variation which can be detected by a conventional detector. This can have a range of uses in the fields of astronomy, vision science, microscopy, microelectronics manufacturing, and free space optical communications.


  • Semiconductor and precision optics metrology
  • Advanced diagnostic imaging
  • Laser and microelectronics manufacturing
  • Many more optical applications


  • Uses Fourier filtering for better results and data capture
  • Can be widely applied to a range of technologies
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Richard Weite
Senior Licensing Manager, College of Optical Sciences
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Stanley Pau
David Brady