Road to War Web Application

Case ID:

This invention is software designed for the US Army to effectively train Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) in-person or remotely in a variety of situations. The application leverages an AI-based reactive unit structure and operational environment to teach leadership skills on a virtual unit comprised of reactive virtual soldier bots.

The US Army must provide a variety of trainings to all soldiers, including trainings in leadership and decision making. This application can help in virtual delivery of these trainings, as well as help to provide a clear system to evaluate and compare trainees and their performances.

In the simulation, the dynamic soldierbots along with automated internal and external calamities, will present the student with a realistic training scenario where they must analyze the situation and react to a changing environment. This application will be accessible through web browser, allowing for virtual or socially distanced training, as well as allowing students to see Live Leaderboards, Student Performance Databases, and the Report Generation Engine. Additionally, administrators will have access to more functionality to manage the use of the program.


  • Training of US Army NCO students
  • Scenario-specific trainings for special circumstances


  • Provides detailed reports of student performance
  • Easily virtually accessible via web browser
  • Provides low-risk training for realistic scenarios
  • Provides leaderboards of student performance
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Lewis Humphreys
Sr. Licensing Manager Software & Copyright
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Jason Denno