Cyber Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and CyberApolis

Case ID:

The Cyber Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a hybrid cloud-based training platform designed to deliver the infrastructure necessary to allow students to conduct performance-based assessments utilizing several interactive applications and CyberApolis virtual world.

CyberApolis is an unstructured synthetic live environment designed to replicate the real internet. It provides a realistic non-scripted training environment that forces the student to synthesize and apply what they have learned.

Cyber security involves protecting information and systems from major cyber threats. These threats take many forms. As a result, keeping pace with cyber security strategy and operations can be a challenge, particularly in government and enterprise networks where, in their most innovative form, cyber threats often take aim at secret, political and military assets of a nation, or its people. Some of the common threats are: Cyber terrorism, Cyber warfare, Cyber espionage. Current solutions provided for training students and professionals in this field involve in person and online recorded videos, self-paced modules, and courses offering both in person and virtual learning. Few courses offer students realistic simulations to test their abilities and learn cybersecurity related skills.

CyberApolis currently has over 100 websites; 15,000 virtual personas; multiple custom social media sites; email servers with customizable email generation engines; Phishing/Spear Phishing engines; managed attribution servers; hardware-in-the-loop wireless labs; and a hardware in the loop malware sandbox. The Cyber Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and CyberApolis are designed to provide 24/7/365, worldwide access to the infrastructure and virtual world required to conduct highly technical, hands-on, offensive and defensive cyber operations education and training.


  • Cybersecurity training


  • Effective
  • Realistic simulations
  • Hands-on tool for learning
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Lewis Humphreys
Sr. Licensing Manager Software & Copyright
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Jason Denno
Romi Carrell Wittman