Targeting 2AG Degradation for Headache

Case ID:

2-arachydonyl glycerol (2-AG) is a known endocannabinoid and a precursor compound for the generation of inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins (PGs). This technology will enhance 2-AG levels and reduce PGs inhibiting enzymatic degradation. Several known compounds that work as inhibitors have been tested against the MAGL and ABHD6. The inventors are in the process of developing novel inhibitors as well.



According to CDC reports and the National Headache Foundation, about 55 million people in the U.S. suffer from chronic headaches—one in six Americans. Of these, between 65% and 70% are classified as migraines. This includes a figure for school-age children, which have an incidence of headaches of about 20%. It is estimated that 90% of people experience a headache—mild to severe—at some time each year.



  • Headaches/migraines
  • Long-term pain management
  • Insight into other potential treatments


  • Can work through signaling of both cannabinoid receptors (CB1 & CB2)
  • Inhibit enzymatic degradation
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Garrett Edmunds
Licensing Manager, UAHS-TLA
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Tally Largent-Milnes
Erika Liktor-Busa
Todd Vanderah
Nephi Stella