This technology is a method to eliminate moving control surfaces on the wing, prop, tail and other surfaces of a tilt wing airplane. It accomplishes this by utilizing active flow control measures. The end result is a combination of tilted wing with active flow controls designed to reduce the power demand of the tilt rotor wing aircraft. Reduced power demand enables aircraft to expand their payload capability.
Currently, aircraft have bulky and heavy wings and tail rudders that affect the aerodynamics. The adoption of active flow control systems can improve various aspects of the airplane. It will now be able to have smaller wings and tail rudder which leads to several other advantages. Active flow control can be achieved through various methods.
- Improving aerodynamics of tilt rotor and tilt wing airplanes
- Weight reduction
- Increase payload capability
- Eliminate moving control surfaces on wing, propeller and tail
- Reduce power demand of tilt rotor wing aircraft