Engaging children in "active" math via role play using props, characters and adventures

Case ID:

This invention is a collection of fictional scenarios aimed to increase the math proficiency rate in children.



It can easily become difficult for students to maintain pace with their peers when learning math, which had led to falling proficiency rates in the US. Proficiency has dropped below 40% in Arizona alone. The current method of teaching math to young children involves a passive method of textbooks and worksheets, which are not interesting or engaging for students. This invention aims to teach foundational math skills by introducing props and characters to address issues like motivation, confidence and skill gaps in children.



  • Teaching methods
  • Educational films



  • Engaging and low-cost
  • Fosters curiosity and exploration
  • Attempts to make math enjoyable
  • Potential to serve as a textbook replacement
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Lyndsay Troyer
Licensing Associate, Software & Copyright
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Bibiana Law
Gerardo Lopez