Food Choices for Winning Performance

Case ID:

The Eat Like a CHAMP program assists athletes and other active students at the University of Arizona with selecting healthier food options that will improve their performance. The "CHAMP" (carbohydrate, hydration, anti-inflammatory, mental focus, and protein) acronym identifies important nutrition information. The program involves a curriculum designed for all incoming freshman and transfer student athletes at the University of Arizona, and is implemented at both the Campus Recreation Center and Bear Down Kitchen (on-campus restaurant).



Student athletes may not be aware of the optimal diet for restoring the glycogen needs in their bodies for building endurance, reducing inflammation, hydrating, improving brainpower and concentration, and building lean muscle. To perform at their best, athletes and active individuals must eat foods with these traits. Additionally, students may not know where to find useful and accurate information. This was evident following a survey conducted where 85% of students surveyed could not correctly identify foods that could aid in their athletic performance. In an effort to inform student athletes about the impact of their dietary choices, inventors at the University of Arizona developed the CHAMP program, which is based on remembering the "CHAMP" acronym and its applications and ultimately allows athletes to become more independent and nutrition conscious.



  • Educational program and materials for athletes or active individuals seeking to learn about eating for optimal performance



  • Easy-to-remember via use of an acronym
  • Sales have increased for the UA campus restaurant that has implemented the program
  • Patron attendance has increased at UA's Bear Down Gym following the implementation
  • Increases student knowledge about nutrition choices to improve performance (proved via a student survey)
  • Easily adapted for athletic teams or class settings (ex. nutrition and cooking classes)
  • Can increase the appeal and sales when implemented at restaurants
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Lyndsay Troyer
Licensing Associate, Software & Copyright
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Christine Carlson