Pharmacogenomics of Intergenic SNPs and in Silico Modeling for Precision Therapy

Case ID:

This invention is a method for analyzing a single patient’s DNA and modeling how mutations and variations in intra-cell genomics will be expressed in the body. The information may be used to develop highly personalized therapies without the need for huge experimental data sets.


Personalized medicine is the next frontier in therapeutics. Unfortunately, highly specific therapies are virtually incompatible with traditional research methods, which focus on generalized efficacy in cohort-level studies. Because of this, inventors at the University of Arizona sought to create a method that personalized therapeutic profiles using data from only the individual patient. Without the need for cohort-level data, therapies can be more efficiently tailored to a patient's genome and, more importantly, the specific effects of the disease on their genome and vice versa.



  • Target critical pathways for drug therapies
  • Development of personalized medicine based on personal genetic mutations/variations
  • Research links between genetic variations and disease pathologies



  • Employs single-subject data analysis by only requiring information about the patient
  • Capable of using as few as two disease-affected cells
  • Considers intra-cellular genetic heterogeneity
  • Accounts for cell-to-cell variations and how these variations affect gene expression in the body as a whole
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Garrett Edmunds
Licensing Manager, UAHS-TLA
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Yves Lussier
Ikbel Achour
Joanne Berghout
Haiquan Li