Assay for Environmental Chitin Quantification

Case ID:

This invention is a novel method for use in conjunction with the quantification of chitin levels in environmental samples. The technology provides a method for detecting medium-sized chitin micro particles (CMPs). This information can be useful in assessing the risk of chitin exposure as well as helping in evaluating the benefits of chitin remediation in commercial and residential locations.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the detection and reduction of known allergens and air pollutants from commercial and residential buildings. PAMPS (pathogen-associated-molecular patterns) cause inflammatory responses, including asthma. Common environmental allergens originate from pets, dust mites, cockroaches, mold, and fungi, and are associated with development of asthma-related health conditions by individuals exposed to these particles. Chitin is a solid organic material comprising the exoskeleton of insects, parasites, and fungi, and is the second-most abundance polysaccharide worldwide. Chitin exposure has been shown to have an association with activation of immune pathways that strongly associate with asthma.



  • Quantify chitin levels in both industrial and home environments
  • Commercial services firms in the indoor air quality industry
  • Pharmaceutical companies working in the anti-allergen field



  • A previously unknown technique for quantification of chitin levels in environmental samples while incorporating existing allergen quantification techniques and equipment with ease
  • The invention may be incorporated into commercial allergen assays or sold as a stand-alone chitin assay
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Mitch Graffeo
Sr. Licensing Manager - COM-T
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Michael Daines