The Buzz: Alcohol Education Program

Case ID:

The Buzz is a fun, interactive, game-oriented alcohol education program meant for college and high-school aged students. It is designed to teach students through lively discussion, game play, and competition. This technology is available for licensing by clicking the link.


Universities across the country struggle every year to promote alcohol education, awareness, and moderation among their students. Counselors, health educators, and community leaders say that abusive and underage alcohol consumption continues to be the number one health concern at many universities. Traditional education programs often rely on pedantic presentations that lack engaging material. These programs fail to inform students in a meaningful way.


  • Alcohol education and awareness programs at universities and high schools


  • Spirited, informative, and meaningful program
  • It educates students about alcohol consumption and promotes moderation and healthy habits among participants


Fall 2014- February 2024 Buzz Survey Study (n = 7,614)

  • 97% of students agree or strongly agree The Buzz is relevant to college students
  • 86% agree or strongly agree that The Buzz will cause them to think differently about their alcohol use
  • 69% agree or strongly agree that The Buzz will cause them to change their alcohol use
  • 76% agree or strongly agree that after attending The Buzz they have a specific idea in mind about how to change their alcohol use
  • 93% said that The Buzz was "better or much better" than other alcohol education programs
  • After participating in The Buzz 49% of moderate drinkers intend to drink less 
  • After participating in The Buzz, 53% of heavy drinkers intend to drink less

Feedback from Greek life students who consume alcohol:

  • 97% said The Buzz was relevant to college students
  • 88% said The Buzz caused them to think differently about their alcohol use
  • 72% said The Buzz will cause them to change their alcohol use 
  • 80% said The Buzz gave them a specific idea about how to change their alcohol use
  • 92% said The Buzz was "better or much better" than other alcohol education programs
  • After participating in The Buzz, 50% of moderate drinkers intend to drink less
  • After participating in The Buzz, 52.2% of heavy drinkers intend to drink less
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Lewis Humphreys
Licensing Manager, Eller College of Mngmt & OTT
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Spencer Gorin
David Salafsky
Andrew Maghielse
Lee Ann Hamilton
Peggy Glider
Andeana Nutter
alcohol education
moderation skills
prevention programing