Mobile Cancer Screening and Treatment System

Case ID:

This invention describes a compact mobile system for cancer screening and detection. It can be used to effectively screen and detect early cancer, and has a therapy function where it can provide treatment without the side effects that conventional methods come with (surgery, radiation and chemotherapy). This invention is particularly suitable for low-resource settings and is portable for point of care diagnosis.

Oral cancer is a very common cancer both in the United States and worldwide. This type of cancer is especially common in South Asian countries where it is the second most common type of cancer. In those regions, a device like this would be extremely helpful in preventing deaths because the invention is small, compact, portable, and suitable for low resource regions like the ones the disease is most common.

Diagnosis of the disease in the early stages is the best way to prevent death. The overall 5 year survival rate of cancers in the oral cavity is about 65-66%. However, with diagnosis in the early stages, that number jumps up to 85%. The importance of early detection, especially in those low resources regions is critical. However, only about 29% of diagnosis are in the early stages. The proposed technology would be extremely helpful in regions much like South Asia, or any low resource area worldwide, because it is able to screen and provide non-harmful therapy.


  • Early cancer detection
  • Early cancer treatment
  • On-the-go screening


  • Small
  • Mobile
  • Low-cost
  • Screening and treatment
  • No side effects from treatment
  • Can be used in low resource settings
Patent Information:
Contact For More Information:
Richard Weite
Senior Licensing Manager, College of Optical Sciences
The University of Arizona
Lead Inventor(s):
Rongguang Liang